Tax Facts

Understand the lingo and requirements around tax

We thought the following information on various tax issues would be useful to you. 
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Businesses use activity statements to report and pay a number of tax obligations, including GST, pay as you go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding and fringe benefits tax. Non-business individuals who need to pay quarterly PAYG instalments also use activity statements.

Activity statements are personalised to each business or individual to support reporting against identified obligations.

Activity statements for businesses may be due either quarterly or monthly. Generally, businesses can lodge and pay quarterly if annual turnover is less than $20 million, and total annual PAYG withholding is $25,000 or less. Businesses that exceed one or both of those thresholds will have at least some monthly obligations. Non-business individuals are generally required to lodge and pay quarterly.

Businesses or individuals with small obligations may be able to lodge and pay annually. Some taxpayers may receive an instalment notice for GST and/or PAYG instalments, instead of an activity statement.

Businesses use activity statements to report and pay a number of tax obligations, including GST, pay as you go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding and fringe benefits tax. Non-business individuals who need to pay quarterly PAYG instalments also use activity statements.

Activity statements are personalised to each business or individual to support reporting against identified obligations.

Activity statements for businesses may be due either quarterly or monthly. Generally, businesses can lodge and pay quarterly if annual turnover is less than $20 million, and total annual PAYG withholding is $25,000 or less. Businesses that exceed one or both of those thresholds will have at least some monthly obligations. Non-business individuals are generally required to lodge and pay quarterly.

Businesses or individuals with small obligations may be able to lodge and pay annually. Some taxpayers may receive an instalment notice for GST and/or PAYG instalments, instead of an activity statement.

Pay As You Go (PAYG) Instalments is a system for paying instalments during the income year towards an entity’s or individual’s expected tax liability on business and investment income. The actual tax liability is worked out at the end of the income year when the annual income tax return is assessed. PAYG instalments paid during the year are credited against the assessment to determine whether the entity or individual owes more tax, or is owed a refund.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will contact entities and individuals who are required to pay PAYG instalments, notifying them of their instalment rate. This is calculated according to information in the last assessed income tax return. PAYG instalments may be included as part of an activity statement, or a separate instalment notice may be issued.

The default option is for the instalment to be calculated as the instalment rate multiplied by business and investment income for the instalment period. The main advantage of this method is that instalments are based on income as the entity or individual earns it, instead of a projection based on the previous tax situation. Some entities, and all individuals, may however choose to pay an instalment amount calculated by the ATO, which is based on the most recent tax assessment plus an uplift factor. This decision needs to be made before the due date for payment of the first instalment for each income year, and then applies for the remainder of that year.

Entities and individuals can vary an instalment if they believe the instalment rate, or the ATO calculated instalment, will result in paying more or less than the expected tax liability for the year.


PAYG instalments for individuals are generally paid quarterly. Where the most recent annual tax liability on business and investment income is less than $8,000 and certain other conditions are met, individuals can choose to pay an annual instalment. For more information see Introduction to annual PAYG instalments. A special two instalment option is available to some primary producers and special professionals (e.g. sportspersons, artists, inventors and authors).

Partnerships and trusts

Partnerships and trusts are generally not required to pay PAYG instalments. However, special rules apply to partners and beneficiaries when calculating their own PAYG instalments.


Corporate tax entities with annual turnover above a threshold are required to pay monthly PAYG instalments. The threshold is $1 billion from 1 January 2014 and $100 million from 1 January 2015. Other corporate tax entities are required to pay quarterly instalments. Companies can choose to pay an annual instalment if they meet the criteria that apply to individuals noted above, plus some additional conditions.

Superannuation funds

PAYG instalments for superannuation funds are generally paid quarterly. Superannuation funds can choose to pay an annual instalment if they meet the criteria that apply to individuals noted above.

The Australian business number (ABN) is a single business identifier that allows businesses to deal with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other government departments and agencies with one identifier.

An ABN is not compulsory and not everyone is entitled to an ABN. The following entities will need an ABN to comply with other tax obligations:

  • Businesses with GST turnover of $75,000 or more must register for GST and need an ABN to do this
  • Non-profit organisations with GST turnover of $150,000 or more must register for GST and need an ABN to do this
  • Entities seeking to be endorsed as a deductible gift recipient need an ABN to obtain that status
  • Charities seeking exemption from income tax need an ABN.

Other eligible entities may choose to register for an ABN:

  • Companies registered under the Corporations Law
  • Business entities carrying on an enterprise
  • Trustees of self-managed superannuation funds should obtain an ABN for the fund.

If an entity makes supplies of goods or services to a business, the supplier entity generally needs to quote an ABN. If the supplier does not quote an ABN, the payer may need to withhold tax from the payment.

The General Value Shifting Regime (GVSR) applies to arrangements that shift value between assets, causing discrepancies between the market values and tax values of the assets. Most value shifts happen when parties don’t deal at the market value, causing one asset to decrease while the other increases.

Three scenarios are targeted under the GVSR. Exclusions apply to small values in each of the scenarios, as follows:

  • Indirect value shifting (exclusion applies if total value shifts under a scheme are less than $150,000)
  • Direct value shifts on interests (exclusion applies if total value shifted is equal to or less than $50,000)
  • Direct value shifts by creating rights (exclusion applies if the market value of the right granted exceeds the proceeds for the grant by $50,000 or less).

Generally, the GVSR does not apply to normal commercial dealings conducted at market value, or dealings within consolidated groups. There are several other exclusions and safe harbours in the rules.

Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding is a system for withholding amounts from payments to employees and businesses. An entity will have withholding obligations if the entity:

  • Has employees, including company directors and officeholders
  • Has other workers such as contractors, and voluntarily agrees to withhold tax from payments to them
  • Makes payments to other businesses, if they don’t quote an Australian business number (ABN) to the entity

If you are an employer or run a business and withhold amounts from payments, you need to:

  • Register for PAYG withholding
  • Register as an employer of working holiday makers (417 or 462 visa’s) if applicable.
  • Withhold amounts from wages and other payments
  • Lodge activity statements and pay the withheld amounts to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • Provide payment summaries to employees and other payees
  • Provide the ATO with an annual report once each income year has ended.

What is Capital Allowances?

Deductions for the decline in value of depreciating assets are available under the Uniform capital allowance (UCA) system. In addition to the rules for depreciating assets, deductions are allowed for certain other capital expenditure. Small business entities have the option of choosing simplified depreciation rules.

Land, trading stock and most intangible assets (excluding exceptions such as intellectual property and in-house software) are not depreciating assets.

The decline in value is calculated by spreading the cost of the asset over its effective life, using one of two methods:

  • Prime cost method – decline in value each year is calculated as a percentage of the initial cost of the asset
  • Diminishing value method – decline in value each year is calculated as a percentage of the opening depreciated value of the asset.
  • MORE: Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Decline in value calculator.

For most depreciating assets, taxpayers can either self-assess the effective life, or use estimates published by the ATO. Taxpayers can recalculate, either up or down, the effective life of an asset if the circumstances of use change and the effective life initially chosen is no longer accurate. An improvement to an asset that increases its cost by 10% or more in a year may result in an obligation to recalculate the effective life of the asset.

Decline in value of cars is restricted to the car limit. From 1 July 2017 the luxury car tax threshold for luxury cars increased to $57,581. Luxury car leases are treated as a notional sale and purchase, with decline in value restricted to the car limit.

The decline in value of certain depreciating assets with a cost or opening adjustable value of less than $1,000 can be calculated through a low-value pool. The decline in value for depreciating assets in the pool is calculated at an annual diminishing value rate of 37.5%.

Goods and services tax (GST) is a tax of 10% on most goods, services, and other items sold or consumed in Australia. The general principle is that only the end consumer bears the economic cost of GST. Registered entities bear the liability of collecting GST in the price of sales to their customers, but can offset credits for GST included in the price of business purchases.

Small businesses with an annual turnover of less than $2 million may qualify for a range of tax concessions. If your business is eligible you can use the concessions that suit you. You may have to satisfy additional conditions and will need to check whether you qualify for the concessions each tax year.

Capital gains tax (CGT) generally applies to CGT events that happen to CGT assets acquired after 19 September 1985. CGT is not a separate tax, it forms part of income tax.

The imputation system provides a way for Australian and New Zealand corporate tax entities that pay Australian tax, to pass on to their members a credit for Australian income tax they have paid. This prevents the same income from being taxed twice – once when the income is earned by the entity, and again when the income is distributed to members.

Payroll tax

Payroll tax is a state tax on the wages paid by employers when the total wages exemption threshold is exceeded. Exemption thresholds vary between states. The definition of wages generally includes employer superannuation contributions and fringe benefits, although the definition also varies between states.

NOTE: Payroll tax is not the same as PAYG withholding tax collected by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). PAYG is the tax deducted from an employee’s income and forwarded to the ATO.

The following organisations are generally exempt from payroll tax, provided specific qualifying conditions are met:

  • Religious institutions
  • Public benevolent institutions
  • Public or non-profit hospitals
  • Non-profit non-government schools
  • Charitable organisations

Land tax

All landowners, except those in the Northern Territory, may be liable for land tax. In the Australian Capital Territory land tax is levied on lessees under a Crown lease, because land generally cannot be acquired under freehold title. Landowners are generally liable for land tax when the unimproved value of taxable land exceeds certain thresholds (excluding the ACT).

In some states, deductions and rebates are available, depending on how the land is used. Principal places of residence are generally exempt from land tax, however this depends on particular qualifying criteria (these vary between jurisdictions).

Land owned and used by the following types of organisations might be exempt from land tax:

  • Non-profit societies
  • Clubs and associations
  • Religious institutions
  • Public benevolent institutions
  • Charitable institutions

Stamp duty

Stamp duty is levied on particular written documents and transactions, including:

  • Motor vehicle registrations and transfers
  • Insurance policies
  • Leases
  • Mortgages
  • Hire purchase agreements
  • Property transfers (e.g. transfer of businesses, real estate, and particular shares)
  • The stamp duty rate varies according to the type of transaction and its value.
  • Depending on the nature of the transaction, certain concessions and exemptions may be available.

Excise duty is a tax on certain types of goods that are made in Australia including alcohol, tobacco, fuel and petroleum products.

Customs duty is imposed at an equal rate on imported alcohol, tobacco, fuel and petroleum products to ensure imported and local goods are treated consistently. These goods are referred to as Excise Equivalent Goods (EEGs).

Entities who manufacture or store excisable goods must hold an appropriate licence.

Income tax is levied on taxable income, which is calculated as assessable income less allowable deductions. Gross tax on taxable income is reduced by tax offsets, to arrive at net tax payable or refundable.


The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) publishes lists of assessable income, allowable deductions and tax offsets for individuals. Sole traders declare business income in their individual income tax return, they are not required to complete a separate return for their business. Tax on individuals is charged at marginal rates. You can use the tax tables to determine how much you are taxed.


A company is a distinct legal entity with its own income tax liability, and is required to lodge a Company income tax return. The company tax rate is generally 30%. Special rates apply to certain types of companies, or companies in certain industries.


A partnership carrying on a business must complete a Partnership tax return to show all income earned and deductions claimed for the income year, and how the net income or loss was shared between the partners. The partnership itself is not a taxable entity. Rather, each partner includes a share of the partnership’s net income or loss in the partner’s taxable income.

Partnerships where the only income is from joint investments (for example, jointly owned shares or rental properties) are not required to lodge a Partnership income tax return. Rather, each partner’s share of the joint income is declared in the partner’s own tax return.


Where a beneficiary (not under a legal disability) is presently entitled to a share of net income of a trust, the trustee is not taxable. Rather, each such beneficiary includes a share of the trust’s net income in the beneficiary’s taxable income. A trust cannot distribute a net loss to the beneficiaries, the loss is carried forward to offset against net income in later years.

Where a presently entitled beneficiary is under a legal disability (for example, under 18 years of age, a non-resident, or incapable of managing his/her own affairs), the trustee is taxable on the beneficiary’s share of the trust’s net income. The tax rates correspond to the tax rates that would otherwise be payable by the beneficiary.

Where no beneficiary is presently entitled to part of the trust’s net income, the trustee is taxable. The tax rates depend on the trust’s particular circumstances, for example income of deceased estates attracts a different tax rate depending on the stage of administration of the estate.

Superannuation funds

A superannuation fund is a distinct legal entity with its own income tax liability and is required to lodge an income tax return. Different income tax return forms are used by self-managed superannuation funds and other superannuation funds. The superannuation fund tax rate is generally 15%. Higher rates apply to net non-arm’s length income, and contributions by or on behalf of a member who has not quoted his/her tax file number to the trustee.

In addition to employees’ salaries and wages, employers are required to pay superannuation contributions on behalf of all eligible employees. This compulsory contribution is called the superannuation guarantee. The definition of employee for this purpose includes certain contractors. The minimum contribution from 1 July 2014 is 9.5% of each eligible employee’s earnings base (usually their ordinary time earnings) and must be paid within 28 days after the end of each calendar quarter. Employers must also provide employees with a choice of superannuation fund.

A first home saver account (FHSA) is a special purpose account designed to help people save for their first home. Once a year, the government will make a lump-sum contribution to the FHSA, based on the amount deposited into the account during that year.

The Australian Government has abolished the first home saver accounts (FHSA) scheme and these accounts are now treated like any ordinary account.

If you have an existing First Home Saver Account, don’t miss out on any government contributions you may be eligible to claim – you have until 30 June 2017 to lodge your claim.

The Medicare Levy is a tax Australian residents pay to cover health care charges. It is payable on taxable income, in addition to income tax. Individuals and families on higher incomes who do not have an appropriate level of private hospital cover may have to pay the Medicare levy surcharge.

For the 2014-15 and later income years, Medicare Levy is usually calculated at 2% of taxable income. A reduction in the rate is available for people on low incomes and an exemption is available for people in certain categories.

A Medicare Levy Calculator is available on the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) web site to help you work out your obligation.

Taxpayers who do not meet their tax obligations may face penalty or interest charges. To avoid these charges, ensure you pay the full amount of tax you owe by the due date.

The main charges for failing to meet tax obligations are the:

  • General interest charge (GIC) – applies to a variety of situations, whenever amounts owing to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) are paid after the due date.
  • Shortfall interest charge (SIC) – applies to a variety of situations where a tax liability is increased in an amended assessment
  • Failure to lodge on time penalty (FTL) – administrative penalty which may be applied if a taxpayer fails to lodge a return, statement, notice, or another document with the ATO by the due date.

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is paid on particular benefits employers provide to their employees or their employees’ associates instead of salary or wages. Benefits can be provided by an employer, an associate of an employer, or a third party by arrangement with an employer. An employee can be a former, current, or future employee.

The government-funded Paid Parental Leave scheme provides financial support for parents to take up to 18 weeks off work following the birth or adoption of a child, with pay at the National Minimum Wage. From 1 January 2013 the scheme was expanded to include Dad and Partner Pay, which provides eligible working dads or partners with up to two weeks of pay at the National Minimum Wage.

Employers receive funds from the Department of Human Services and pay eligible employees in the same way they would normally pay salary or wages.

Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) is a tax on wine levied at 29% of the taxable value of wine. The taxing point is the last wholesale sale, or a retail sale or application for own use (e.g. tastings) when there is no wholesale sale. The taxable value is the actual sale price (excluding WET and GST) for wholesale sales, or a notional equivalent value in the other situations.